Given the ever-changing healthcare industry, Tunheim recommended strategies for Accra Care to better understand and position its brand with internal and external stakeholders. Tunheim also developed a crisis management toolkit for Accra as it faced continuous healthcare policy fluxuation.


In order for Accra to continue to be a successful growth-oriented organization, Tunheim helped Accra identify and build upon staff strengths and rethink every aspect of its business, including management and processes.

Given the ever-changing healthcare industry, Tunheim recommends and executes ongoing strategies for Accra to better understand and position its brand. Tunheim provides ongoing strategic consulting regarding internal and external communications, marketing, team building, visioning and strategic infrastructure.


Accra continues to successfully grow within an environment that continually faces both external and internal disruptions. Tunheim has provided the organization outside perspective, ideas, challenges and best practices which have helped the company to thrive within uncertainty.